The sun is rising in the Eastern sky as we leave Las Vegas behind us. The skys are clear, maybe some white cotton ball clouds at the edges. The mountains to the North of use are both bathed in the light of the rising sun and still cloaked with shadows as the night melts away. The pristine desert floor is dotted with man’s influences. We are clearly moving into western desert terrain.

We left San Diego late yesterday afternoon and traveling through the Mojave desert, made the outskirts of Las Vegas late last night. Even late at night the desert heat was oppressive. Fortunately the hotel AC was able to reach ice-box level cold, along with some home crafted ale we chilled and sleep well. 5 AM came quick and we’re back on the road heading to Pike’s Peak via Zion National Park. The weather today is forecast to be much cooler – mid 80s which should make for good hiking in Angels Landing.
