The journey of a thousand miles begins with the first step, and this is mine.

My bags are packed, I’m ready to go

Sitting here in a San Diego coffee shop, I’m watching the world go by, drinking my coffee, listening to a little music, knowing very soon I will be heading East towards Pike’s Peak. This is an item I’ve had on my Life List for a couple years now, to hike up Pike’s Peak. To stand on top of a mountain and to look out across the world is somewhat awe-inspiring. But this is only a piece of this adventure. To travel and explore somewhere again with my family is something I find really cherish. It’s been too long.



A true and fictum history of S’more


The sun is rising (day 1)

1 Comment

  1. Personal challenges like climbing mountains and such are analogous to missing out on something…for me it’s that plus knowing that even though I’m physically not the man i was but i can still do “stuff”. We all have that threshold.

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