The journey of a thousand miles begins with the first step, and this is mine.

Lunching in the pines – (Part 2)

Most of the trail in this section is wide enough to walk side-by-side, making conversation easier between hikers in a group. I enjoy listening to the path these conversation take. On some hikes the same theme may run for days.  Today the trail talk is mostly down memory lane. Some of our group will be graduating soon or moving on to do other things. Today, as we hike through the Manchester State Forest, they are reminiscing fondly about past exploits and adventures of past camping trips. I know we are nearing a cut section of forest soon, so we take our mid-day break on a small hill, under a stand of tall pines. It’s cool but not cold, the forecast rain threatened, but ultimately was a no-show for this trip. Everyone is relaxing a bit sitting on the blanket of pine needles, eating, chatting, and airing their feet. Someone is debating the pro’s and con’s of grits verses oatmeal as a breakfast choice. Someone is sharing their favorite trail lunch. It’s a great day to be out on the trail with friends. It’s days like this which make me want to keep going.



The morning is cool, the coffee is hot – (Part 1)


Who speaks for the trees? – (Part 3)

1 Comment

  1. Paul Sosnowski

    Nice to see you are still able to get out and enjoy the out of doors scene here in the area. Appreciate your post on this, especially the following one. Seems that the bottom line is the almighty dollar. Sadly true, I hope that the owners of the land plan to reforest those sections that have been clear cut. That would be best use then of the land in the least harmful way. It would be interesting to know who the land belongs to and what ultimately they do plan on doing there.

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