This would have been a like a real life Dukes of Hazzard moment, sort of.

On a recent Friday night, some Bo & Luke wannabe, with nothing better to do at 2 in the morning, fired up his Toyota 4-Runner, and proceeded to wreck a neighbors house. ‘Seems he got a running start up on Sandhill Road somewhere. Sandhill Road is a small neighborhood side street which T’s on to highway 78, but it doesn’t cross 78. I’m not sure how far back up Sandhill he started, but he had to have been running close to 100 miles an hour to make the jump. And how he missed hitting anyone as he rocketed across highway 78 is a miracle.

Now the story starts getting interesting. After he crossed 78, he hit the curb but kept on going. He left a nice set of tire tracks in the grass until he plowed in to the railroad track embankment. He must have been going “faster than a cheetah on cocaine.” When he hit the steel train rail, he was traveling so fast and hard, he left the imprint of his tire treads in the steel rail. He actually displaced the rail from the wooden ties and a rail crew had to come out and nail back down the steel rail. Trains were doing a slow craw through this section for almost a week after. When he hit the rail, it caught his truck skid plate, folded it half, and ripped it off the truck. But the train tracks didn’t stop him. With the truck speed and slope of the embankment, he was actually able launched his truck up in to the air (this is the Dukes of Hazzard moment). Based on the snapped-off trees he blew through before he touched back down, he was flying at least 4 feet off the ground, and from where he hit the rail to where he landed in the middle of Railway drive, he flew a good 75 feet, narrowly missing a power pole on the way.

But wait, there’s more. His travels didn’t stop there. He still had lots of forward “go” to get rid of. After slamming down on Railway Dive, he plowing through the neighbors hedgerow, barely missing their camper parked in the front yard. Ol’ Bo there (you can’t see him, but he’s the one in the upside down truck the fire men are trying to extract), crashed right in to the neighbors house and big picture window, smashing in the front wall, hitting both the house foundation and roof with his truck. From where he hit the curb after crossing 78, to the point he landed upside down in the neighbors house was about 175 feet. Almost half the distance was via Toyota-Air. Fortunately, no one was injured in the house and reportedly the driver made it out of the truck alive and was transported to the hospital.
