This morning is a calm morning, I guess it’s the truth behind “the calm before the storm.” As I write this Hurricane Idalia has smashed into the Gulf side of Northern Florida and will make her way across the state to the Atlantic side. The current forecast has the storm running just inland today along the coast of Georgia and South Carolina before sliding off into the sea. The schools and many businesses in our area are closed in preparation for the coming storm. We’re expecting winds, rain, and coastal flooding. There are two pieces of good news. First is, according to the internet, Jim Cantore is in Cedar Key Florida, and NOT in South Carolina. The second is the Colberg Cow is still up and in place, at least as of 6 a.m. this morning.

So today with the college closed, it’s a standby day for me, waiting really for the winds which may bring trees or branches down on the farm. Our ground is fairly high so flooding isn’t our big concern this far inland. By this afternoon the hurricane is expected to be a tropical storm again and by later this evening it will be well past us. The downtime is giving me a chance to catch up on some things (like writing).
The group I volunteer with just did our annual activity plan and we added several campout events with backpacking. I started updating my blog site with a new page for The Palmetto Trail and in doing so I realized, I have a lot of gaps in my Palmetto Trail journey. And I want to get back on the AT. And the more I think about it the more I just want to get out more. I’ve started planning to grab time as I can to fill in some of the gaps in my Palmetto Trail passages. I’ve hiked passages like the High Hills of Santee a dozen or more times, but I really need to start filling some of the gaps now. I know some will be day trips, and some will be overnighters. My big hurdle really is hiking with one vehicle. Every hike becomes twice as long or I can only go half as far. Maybe I can just go, and keep going? Almost, but not yet. Sigh. Anyway tomorrow after the storm, assuming no major homestead issues, I’m planning to take Radar for the day. I’ve a backpacking trip with some new hikers in January. I need to find a suitable overnight trail campsite around the Swampfox and Awendaw Passages. The rains have come now. The trail is calling and I must go.

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